Genesis of AAU
During early 20th century, establishment of two research stations, one at Karimganj (1913) and the other at Titabor (1923) paved the way, immediately after independence, towards setting up of the Assam Agricultural College (AAC) at Jorhat and the Assam Veterinary College (AVC) at Nagaon in 1948. Later, on April 1, 1969 the Assam Agricultural University came into being through "The Assam Agricultural University Act, 1968", renaming AAC as College of Agriculture headquartered at Jorhat and AVC as College of Veterinary Science simultaneously shifting its site from Nagaon to Khanapara.
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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Centre), is an agro-based educational institution designed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research provides specialized need based trainings to the farming community on various aspects related to agriculture and allied sectors. The prime mandate of KVK is to impart vocational training to the practising farmers, rural youth and field level Extension functionaries, conducting on farm trial, front line demonstration and transferring latest technologies to the farming communities.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jorhat was sanctioned vide sanction order: F.No.9(10)/2005-AE-1 dtd 28/2/2006 and started functioning from 2008. The Kendra is situated 30 km away from Jorhat town. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jorhat is is 1.0 km south from the National Highway 37 from Kaliapani Tinali, Teok. The site is connected to the NH 37 by metal road and the KVK, Jorhat campus is connected by roads from different angles of the villages surrounding the site. Read More
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